Taken from this month’s Cotswold Life magazine


Why good Cotswold butter is the only thing for your asparagus this season

It’s asparagus season again and I for one, can’t wait to indulge over the next six weeks in one of the Cotswolds’ finest exports. But, as much as I love the ‘green gras’, it got me thinking about how much I love the butter that goes with it? After all, the two do go hand in hand.

In Britain, we love butter. We slather it on our bread and sandwiches, churn it into our cakes and fry it in our cooking. We have it on everything. I’d go so far as to say that for some people it’s like background noise - people just layer it on everything. It doesn’t necessarily add to the taste of your sandwich, you do it because, well, it’s butter, and that’s what you do!

However, I’m not in that camp. For me, butter is more of a treat, to be enjoyed for what it is. I’m now selective about when I have it (blame a middle aged waistline for that) and when I do, it needs to be part of the main feature, not the supporting cast. Which is why I’m thinking about the butter I’ll be using for my asparagus this year.

You see, not all butter tastes the same. The butter we often absent-mindedly spread over everything is a world away from what I call ‘real butter’. I’m talking hand-crafted, churned butter, using the finest Cotswolds cream and a generous sprinkling of sea salt. The stuff you can literally slice with a knife and enjoy on its own, it’s so damn good. That’s real butter and I’d say it’s well worth putting a better bit of butter on your knife this asparagus season – sorry, corny, but I couldn’t resist!

Here are two fantastic local producers who are churning out the good stuff: