Since our recent instalment of an automated external defibrillator outside the Warner’s store, local charity HeartStart Malvern has kindly offered us some FREE training for our staff and customers.
These are taking place as follows:
Monday 8th April 11am
Tuesday 16th April 7pm
Upton Baptist Church has kindly offered to host the training for us. The sessions are very practical hands-on training lasting around two hours. By the end of a training session, we are confident that you learn some simple life-saving skills which will enable you to:
Recognise and treat someone who is having a heart attack.
Place someone who is unconscious in the recovery position.
Provide Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) to some whose heart has stopped beating.
Use an automated external defibrillator to try and restart a heart.
Click here to find out more and book your place. Limited places are available. We will be in touch via email to confirm your place.